Guided ZhiNeng QiGong Practice & Healing mp3's click to download Instantly
Guided ZhiNeng QiGong Practice and Qi Field Healing:
Most ZhiNeng QiGong methods are done with the eyes closed. This is to facilitate a deep state of practice, where all senses are turned inward.
Because of this, we offer audio recordings of practices and healings, so you can be guided along as if you were in a classroom. We also offer free videos of the exercises. You can watch them first and try to learn the physical postures. Then proceed to practice in a deep healing state with the guided Qi field and focused consciousness provided in these audio recordings.
To see the Free Video's you can find them on our blog with details about the exercises and benefits.
and on our YouTube channel: ZhiNeng QiGong Australia
We will be adding more videos and audios, be sure to join our newsletter for updates.
You may be asking yourself, why are we posting video's for free and offering teaching material for such an inexpensive price? There are a few reasons. Firstly, Dr. Pang designed ZhiNeng QiGong as an open system. Meaning both open in the style of practice and in the sharing of methods, and theory.
We share his dream of evolving human consciousness. We believe that in posting this material, it may reach a larger audience, and exponentially spread these healing techniques, and raise human consciousness.
This medium still has it's limitations, we are unable to adjust and correct your movements, and we miss out on the direct exchange of free flowing communication that exists in a live classroom.
To remedy that we also offer webinar and skype healing and training sessions. Contact us by email to schedule an appointment.
Many people may still need to find a teacher, class, or retreat to delve deeper. We do offer that, and so do many other ZhiNeng QiGong teachers around the world.
Our hope is to spread this wisdom, so you can empower yourself, and together we can create a better future for the entire world.
Hun Yuan Ling Tong!